RM304: Sixth Circuit Ruling: What It Means for Tennessee’s Registry

[05:52] Listener question from YouTube: What are the correct vehicles to challenge the registry other than declaratory judgment?

[21:57] A listener on federal supervision in Ohio was denied internet access by their PO, impacting job searches, healthcare, and education. This appears to be a district-wide issue. Can this policy be challenged given the necessity of internet access today?

[30:48] Examining the Flaws in the CP Offender Risk Algorithm: Insights from Scientific American

[38:18] Discover the implications of the Sixth Circuit Court’s recent ruling on Tennessee’s registry law

[45:56] Certificate of Rehabilitation Part 2


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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM303: Targeted by Intimidation: How Scammers Exploit Registries for Fraud and Extortion

[2:44] A scammer exploited the national sex offender registry to impersonate law enforcement and extort money from a registered individual at their workplace, prompting a call for protective measures from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

[9:16] Episode 299 revisits polygraphs, highlighting a listener’s experience with authorities who view them as conclusive, despite being denied access to the test results.

[24:25] California Corner explores the Certificate of Rehabilitation, detailing its benefits like aiding in job applications and being a step toward a pardon, while clarifying it doesn’t erase convictions or restore gun rights. It also outlines eligibility and the process for applying, emphasizing its role in improving job and housing opportunities for rehabilitated individuals.

[42:53] We discussed the implications of Harvey Weinstein’s conviction reversal, touching on tensions in the legal system, including concerns about eroding defendant protections and the complexities of sexual assault cases. The conversation also explored broader impacts on the justice system, highlighting shifts in rules of evidence and the potential effects on future legal proceedings.

[51:45] The podcast discussion highlights concerns about Minnesota’s civil commitment of sex offenders, noting its high cost and low effectiveness, with the practice resulting in indefinite detentions based more on predictive guesswork than on substantial evidence of risk.


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Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM302: The Ethics of Castrating PFRs: Is it Ever Justified?

[2:12] We dive into the challenges of recanted testimony in legal cases, explaining why such testimony alone often isn’t sufficient to overturn a conviction. It highlights the unreliability of recantations and the complexities they introduce for prosecutors and the courts. The discussion also covers specific circumstances under which a recantation might be considered more seriously in legal proceedings.

[14:38] A Louisiana man convicted of doing unspeakable things to a teenage girl will have his male parts removed as part of his sentencing, which includes a 50-year stint in prison and physical castration. The victim’s pregnancy resulted from the assault, and DNA testing confirmed the perpetrator was the father.

[40:08] California Corner
Chance delves into California’s Penal Code § 290, which mandates that individuals convicted of certain sex offenses must register as sex offenders with local authorities. The podcast outlines the annual renewal requirements, the consequences of failing to register, and the four key elements prosecutors must prove for a conviction under this statute. The discussion is particularly relevant for understanding how these regulations apply to both residents and those moving into California.

[51:35] A New York state court judge has scheduled Harvey Weinstein’s retrial for sex crimes to commence after Labor Day 2024, following the overturning of his 2020 rape conviction by the state’s top appeals court. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is eager to retry the case, expressing strong confidence in obtaining a conviction again. The urgency of the retrial reflects the high stakes and public scrutiny surrounding the case, with discussions on potential legal reforms if the retrial does not lead to a conviction on all counts.

[54:11] In this segment, we discuss recent findings from the Brennan Center for Justice and the Council on Criminal Justice, which indicate a significant decline in violent crime across the U.S., contrary to widespread political rhetoric. Highlighting the bipartisan nature of this trend, the hosts examine crime data from major cities, revealing decreases in homicides and other violent crimes, and challenge politicized narratives that claim crime is surging in Democratic-controlled areas. They emphasize the importance of scrutinizing crime data to understand real trends, moving beyond media and political spin.

Leave voicemail: 747-227-4477
Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters
Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57
Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters
Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters
The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.
To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM301: From Guilty to Not: The Reversal of Harvey Weinstein’s Conviction

In this episode we dig deep into Harvey Weinstein’s overturned conviction by the New York Court of Appeals, focusing on legal aspects such as the admissibility of prior bad acts under Rule 404(b) and Molineux application. The conversation delves into the nuances of legal evidence, exploring exceptions and their implications on court trials, and emphasizing the procedural safeguards and challenges of using past behavior as evidence. The discussion also critiques the trial errors that led to Weinstein’s conviction reversal, highlighting broader issues of justice and fairness in high-profile cases.

[7:15] A listener from Illinois, who enjoys the podcast and has legal registration concerns, seeks advice and feels undervalued by some peers despite helping others legally. They find humor and wisdom in Larry’s segments.

[9:14] Harvey Weinstein’s overturned conviction, focusing on legal evidence and trial errors

[32:30] Chance explores whether a convicted sex offender can obtain a Certificate of Rehabilitation in California after serving prison time, highlighting complexities in the law and the benefits such a certificate might offer.

[43:16] The criminal charges against Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney Diana Teran for unauthorized use of confidential data, highlight a debate over the irony of an ethics official being indicted and the implications for ethical governance in the justice system.

[49:38] Florida’s “pay-to-stay” law where ex-inmates are billed $50 per day for their entire sentence, regardless of early release, significantly hampers their rehabilitation and reintegration due to the financial burdens imposed.

[54:39] Closure of a troubled women’s prison in California due to longstanding issues of sexual abuse by guards. U.S. Senators are demanding accountability for the chaotic transfer of inmates, who reportedly faced neglect and abuse during relocation.


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Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM300: The Fight for Parental Contact in Illinois

In this episode, we delve into a mix of intriguing legal and travel-related issues. First, we explore the implications of renouncing U.S. citizenship and the subsequent requirements for registry when visiting as an EU citizen. We then dissect a pivotal Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision, which impacts parental contact during supervised release, shedding light on the complexities of due process. Additionally, we hear a firsthand account of traveling to Curacao and the contrasting security protocols upon re-entry to the U.S. Finally, we discuss California’s legal landscape regarding the reduction of felony convictions to misdemeanors, focusing on “wobbler” offenses and the broader implications for rehabilitation and civil rights.

[3:39] If a former U.S. citizen, now holding only EU citizenship, renounces their U.S. citizenship and later visits the U.S. as a tourist, are they still legally required to register with the U.S. registry?

[13:21] In a recent Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding an Illinois Department of Corrections policy that restricts contact between a parent convicted of a sex offense and their minor child during supervised release. The court affirmed parts of the policy but reversed the ban on phone contact, exploring the nuances of procedural and substantive due process in the process.

[25:51] A traveler recounts a seamless entry into Curacao using automated passport controls and shares experiences of consistent security checks upon re-entering the U.S., highlighting differences in international travel processes.

[46:38] California’s legal provisions for reducing felony convictions to misdemeanors, particularly focusing on “wobbler” offenses which depend on sentencing conditions. It highlights significant cases and laws that enable such reductions, emphasizing the impact on the rights of the convicted and their potential rehabilitation.


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Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

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Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM299: The Great Escape: Justice Across State Lines

In this episode, our legal experts delve into the case of a former police officer who has secured a plea deal potentially leading to probation. Recently relocated to Texas, he faces challenges regarding the transfer of his probation supervision from New Mexico. Key issues include the adherence to interstate compact rules and the implications of his required polygraph test. The episode explores the complexities of managing probation across state lines and the legal nuances involved in his case.

[4:51] Can Virginia Incarcerate Me After Moving to Puerto Rico?

[14:43] Back on the Registry: New Wisconsin Law Reshapes ‘Repeat Offender’ Definition

[25:36] The Great Escape: Justice Across State Lines

[47:33] Registry Realities: Navigating Legal Requirements in a Complex Era


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Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

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Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM298: Unshackling Justice: The California DOJ’s Groundbreaking Tier Adjustment

In a significant development, the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) has agreed to lower the tier assignments for individuals convicted of attempted offenses, following a lawsuit challenging the practice of equating attempt crimes with their completed counterparts for registry purposes. This decision, now formalized by a Los Angeles Superior Court order, marks a departure from the previous policy where such individuals were assigned the same tier as if the offense had been completed, making thousands ineligible for petitioning removal from the registry. The lawsuit highlighted that attempted crimes, being inchoate in nature, generally carry less severe punishments and do not warrant the same level of public risk as completed crimes—a stance supported by the legislative omission and the precedent set by People v. Marinelli. While it remains to be seen which specific offenses will be affected and the manner of policy implementation, this adjustment is seen as a crucial correction to the CA Tiered Registry system.

[27:46] Ethan seeks advice on a project to house PFRs in an 8-unit complex with strict rules, facing resistance and comparing the environment to prison.

[36:04] The 9th Circuit is considering reviving an Arizona law that restricts defense attorneys from contacting victims directly, requiring them to go through the prosecutor’s office, a law challenged for violating First Amendment rights as overly broad and restrictive.

[48:38] Police reform passed after Tyre Nichols’ death is overturned by a new law signed by Gov. Bill Lee, limiting local governments from restricting police actions.

[49:34] Louisiana’s Senate bill moves 17-year-olds to the adult legal system, increasing jail populations and raising concerns under the prison rape Elimination act.

[52:56] States are rolling back justice reforms and imposing harsher laws, such as Georgia’s cash bail for minor crimes and Kentucky’s penalties increase, worsening jail overcrowding and targeting protest support.


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Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM296: Guilty No More: The Power of a Judge’s Change of Heart

This episode will feature a varied mix of content. We’ll provide updates on legislation in West Virginia and review some pertinent articles. The highlight of the episode will focus on a judge who was ousted in Illinois. And we also have a question or two

[2:56] Seeking advice on post-prison life, employment challenges as a felon/PFR, and navigating PFR registries. Questions also include potential state-mandated halfway house post-release.

[18:02] Judge Robert Adrian from Illinois was removed from his position through a process different from that of Judge Persky in California. Adrian had previously found 18-year-old Drew Clinton guilty of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl at a May 2021 graduation party.

[30:48] Kentucky man sentenced to 20 years for child pornography charges.


Leave voicemail: 747-227-4477

Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM295: Can This Bill Be Stopped? Inside the Fight Against Oklahoma’s “Knights Law”

In this episode of Registry Matters, we focus on legislative advocacy, specifically discussing a lengthy bill from Oklahoma and its potential impact. We listen to a voicemail to address issues raised by Eric in a voicemail.

[3:11] Listener Alex, worried about a police visit after his son’s doctor visit, seeks advice.

[31:57] Oklahoma legislation aims to harshly penalize sex crimes against minors, inspired by a tragic family murder-suicide. It proposes life without parole and the potential death penalty for offenders. Critics doubt its effectiveness but note strong support due to its focus on child protection.

[52:13] Washington’s public defender system is facing a breakdown, leaving communities affected. Despite the legal right to a government-provided attorney for those unable to afford one, some in Washington state are not receiving this assistance promptly.


Leave voicemail: 747-227-4477

Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

RM294: Navigating the Maze: The Journey of PFR Legislation Around the Country

This episode provides updates to legislation around the country and discusses PFR registration, adding new offenses, and juvenile offender rules. Future adjustments aim for better legislation, ensuring compliance and protecting rights.

[2:51] The content discusses the experience of a person on the registry facing travel challenges, specifically mentioning a cruise line that does not do background checks.

[5:02] Andy and Larry discuss the complexities of plea negotiations, focusing on a case involving charges of criminal sexual penetration of a minor. Larry emphasizes the importance of considering the likelihood of conviction and the benefits of a plea deal that minimizes penalties, while also acknowledging the challenges of ensuring justice in a conservative jurisdiction.

[23:23] Legislative update from New Mexico, Oklahoma and West Virginia


Leave voicemail: 747-227-4477

Email us: registrymatterscast@gmail.com

Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/registrymatters

Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/6FnxwAQm57

Want to support Registry Matters with some swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/registry-matters

Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/registry-matters/id1305039280
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Icuxbpzvyti7wtoredipbtiojqy
RSS: https://www.registrymatters.co/feed/podcast/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3d75P7Kc37n2l79m89F9KI
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/registrymatters

The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.