We are proud to release episode 60 of the Registry Matters Podcast. This week we have: A listener asks a question about conflict of interest with judges and should they recuse themselves; And Patron Jeff asks what does it mean when the circuit courts are split; New York is about to make conversion therapy illegal; FCC judge rules registrant cannot use Ham radio; Some thoughts on how to pick an attorney; We should make life inside institutions as much as possible like life outside so that there isn’t this huge divide between the way people live inside and outside; Deepfake porn videos with your favorite actor/actress; Poligrapher in NC says “Polygraphy is an evolving science”; Judge issues preliminary injunction against registration of man convicted on non-sexual offense; City in Wisconsin improves residency restrictions from 7% up to 24%; Of course we need another registry!; The federal court system is definitely impacted by the government shutdown, and this affects registrants; How conservative SCOTUS justices can side with liberals
[21:10] https://pix11.com/2019/01/15/ban-on-gay-conversion-therapy-poised-for-passage-in-new-york/?mc_cid=dc5b3be73e&mc_eid=1207c63e34 [28:10] https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/fcc-revokes-ham-license-for-convicted-sex-offender [33:00] https://abovethelaw.com/2019/01/how-to-pick-a-good-criminal-defense-attorney/ [48:00] https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a3mx75/the-prison-system-is-a-nightmare-but-not-for-the-reasons-you-think [54:00] https://apple.news/A_vSDZtJiQo2vIw7Xh-o-sA [1:01:35] https://www.shelbystar.com/news/20190115/private-investigator-brings-polygraph-services-to-shelby [1:05:00] https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2019/01/15/us-judge-halts-imposition-of-registration-requirement-on-parolee-with-no-sex-offense-record/ [1:12:30] https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/west/news/brookfield/2019/01/15/city-brookfield-proposes-changes-sex-offender-ordinance/2576644002/ [1:15:00] https://kutv.com/news/nation-world/tinas-law-aims-to-create-legislation-for-domestic-violence-offender-registry [1:20:00] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/18/us/politics/courts-money-government-shutdown.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/16/us/criminal-justice-bill-shutdown.html [1:24:50] https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/01/gorsuch-arbitration-labor-new-prime-oliveira.html
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January 21, 2019 11:10 pmThe message you played from me had no audio. What happened?
January 22, 2019 7:23 amJust a glitch in post. It’s fixed now. If you are using a podcast app, delete the file and re-download it. It’ll be fixed
Lo siento
January 22, 2019 12:36 amHomosexuality was listed as a sexual deviance in the DSM up until 1974.