In this episode, we cover Legal gray areas and online behavior, Feller’s registration lifetime requirement modified, and rehabilitation through a tiered system
[2:34] The legal interpretations of online behavior regulations for high-risk offenders highlight uncertainties around social media engagement. [13:54] The Iowa Supreme Court overruled the lower courts, allowing John Feller to end his lifetime sex offender registration requirement. [35:29] California’s tiered PFR registration system aims to provide rehabilitation paths, yet many eligible individuals remain unaware or fearful to apply.
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The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.
To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.
Carl in MO
January 7, 2025 9:54 amThanks again for annotating the time stamps with where certain topics start. It’s very helpful and much appreciated.
January 26, 2025 9:49 amYou’re welcome 🙂