Episode 19

Colbert county Alabama sheriff messed up. There was a 2 week laps in sending out notifications to the locals of convicted sex offenders moving into the area.

Colom campaigned on locking up fewer people
He released a person for a parole violation, in which his predecessor locked him up for 5 years for a drug related violation
Why are the areas with the highest poverty levels the same ones with the highest rates of incarceration?

Two brave registrants who were going to be kicked out of their Ft. Lauderdale homes stood up and said NO!
Only supplies to those sentenced before 2007

Short discussion about the Illinois Supreme Court decision regarding parks
May vs Ryan

Jacob commented:
I’ve been listening to you guys babble for three months now. Everybody knows that sex offender registration is punishment, yet you two seem to dance around the issue. Is this just some scam to see how much money you can collect while pretending to be concerned about our plight? If you were serious, you people would just try to end the federal registry rather than wasting so much time challenging state by state? I believe it’s all about the money.

Just End The Federal Registry Already!
Wouldn’t a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court be the way to go if you really want to end the registry?
Why does it take so long to get a case to the Supreme Court? Why don’t you just file the damn thing there to start with?
Why are there state registries? Federal encouragement of state level registries
Do Federal courts have control over the state courts?
If Congress repealed the Adam Walsh Act (AWA, do state level registries disappear?)
Could there be a federal encouragement to dismantle state level registries?
Is this related to the 10th amendment of states rights?
What would prompt federal laws? Why aren’t there federal laws already? Traveling across states is in violation of federal laws
Is a state level registry then comparable to state drug laws?